Foot-pounds per second to Kilocalories per hour

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  Foot-pounds per second =   Kilocalories per hour

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1 Foot-pounds per second = 1.1658 Kilocalories per hour 10 Foot-pounds per second = 11.6579 Kilocalories per hour 2500 Foot-pounds per second = 2914.48 Kilocalories per hour
2 Foot-pounds per second = 2.3316 Kilocalories per hour 20 Foot-pounds per second = 23.3159 Kilocalories per hour 5000 Foot-pounds per second = 5828.97 Kilocalories per hour
3 Foot-pounds per second = 3.4974 Kilocalories per hour 30 Foot-pounds per second = 34.9738 Kilocalories per hour 10000 Foot-pounds per second = 11657.94 Kilocalories per hour
4 Foot-pounds per second = 4.6632 Kilocalories per hour 40 Foot-pounds per second = 46.6317 Kilocalories per hour 25000 Foot-pounds per second = 29144.84 Kilocalories per hour
5 Foot-pounds per second = 5.829 Kilocalories per hour 50 Foot-pounds per second = 58.2897 Kilocalories per hour 50000 Foot-pounds per second = 58289.68 Kilocalories per hour
6 Foot-pounds per second = 6.9948 Kilocalories per hour 100 Foot-pounds per second = 116.58 Kilocalories per hour 100000 Foot-pounds per second = 116579.36 Kilocalories per hour
7 Foot-pounds per second = 8.1606 Kilocalories per hour 250 Foot-pounds per second = 291.45 Kilocalories per hour 250000 Foot-pounds per second = 291448.4 Kilocalories per hour
8 Foot-pounds per second = 9.3263 Kilocalories per hour 500 Foot-pounds per second = 582.9 Kilocalories per hour 500000 Foot-pounds per second = 582896.8 Kilocalories per hour
9 Foot-pounds per second = 10.4921 Kilocalories per hour 1000 Foot-pounds per second = 1165.79 Kilocalories per hour 1000000 Foot-pounds per second = 1165793.61 Kilocalories per hour

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