Points to Gons

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  Points =   Gons

Precision: decimal digits

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Belongs in category

1 Points = 12.5 Gons 10 Points = 125 Gons 2500 Points = 31250 Gons
2 Points = 25 Gons 20 Points = 250 Gons 5000 Points = 62500 Gons
3 Points = 37.5 Gons 30 Points = 375 Gons 10000 Points = 125000 Gons
4 Points = 50 Gons 40 Points = 500 Gons 25000 Points = 312500 Gons
5 Points = 62.5 Gons 50 Points = 625 Gons 50000 Points = 625000 Gons
6 Points = 75 Gons 100 Points = 1250 Gons 100000 Points = 1250000 Gons
7 Points = 87.5 Gons 250 Points = 3125 Gons 250000 Points = 3125000 Gons
8 Points = 100 Gons 500 Points = 6250 Gons 500000 Points = 6250000 Gons
9 Points = 112.5 Gons 1000 Points = 12500 Gons 1000000 Points = 12500000 Gons

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